Thursday, December 9, 2010

Here We Go

The still socialist controlled house shot down the compromise bill worked out between Obama and the Repubs. This bill just was not socialist enough to suit Pelosi and the rest of the politburo. The dems care about nothing but their agenda, which is to break this country and reform it into a Marxist paradise. Time has proven time and again that in a socialist society the only ones to prosper are those holding power. Citizens become subjects and rights are trampled. Americans need to wake up before it is to late if it's not already to late. How far are you willing to go to remain free? It is time for all Americans to answer that question.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Changing Focus

Lately I have been changing focus a bit. A little less on politics, a bit more on prepping. It is fairly easy to see that it is just a matter of time before we have a pretty serious economic and societal collapse. I'm paranoid you say. Well that may be, but if I'm right would it not be better to be prepared? Here's the deal. As unemployment grows, and it will, and when unemployment benefits end, and they will, then people get desperate. A good man will do bad things if his children get hungry. Those that have planned and set aside resources for a protracted down turn will become targets for those who have not planned. That is just human nature. I have decided to prepare. I would advise others to do so also.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is it Time

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." ( Thomas Jefferson). After all we have seen from the progressives who are in control, one can't help but wonder how much time we have before the tree will indeed be watered here at home. With the passage of the health care bill this past weekend, the socialists are one step closer to controlling every aspect of our lives. Since I have Jesus and Ms. Patty, I really don't need Pelosi and company in my business. There has to be change and soon. I honestly believe we are on the verge of economic and societal collapse. It is time to pray for the best and prepare for the worst. In 1942 a Patriotic song written by Frank Loesser was called Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. Hmmm that's kind of catchy. Keep you ear to the ground and your eyes to heaven, and be vigilant. Pray for this once great nation.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What about America Mr. Carter?

I read an article today that Jimmy ( never met a terrorist he didn't love Carter ) has apologized to the Jews. As his grandson is about to run for public office in a district with a substantial Jewish population I have to wonder about the sincerity of said apology. What I want to know is where is his apology to America? He needs to apologize for the shambles he made of our economy and our military during his hellish term as President. He also needs to apologize for his treason inn that he gives comfort and support for our enemies. Namely Hezbollah and Hamas. This man is a coward and traitor and he owes an apology to the American people. I am ashamed he once was my commander-in chief. Now in the White House we have Carter 2, the Obama regime. I pray we survive this mistake. I can only hope there is a Ronald Reagan waiting in the wings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crazier and Crazier

The world just keeps going to hell in a handbasket. Obama and the Dems are succeeding in saddling future generations with debt. Government is growing larger and larger. Now young people have to serve as the government sees fit to qualify for education money, illegal immigration is about to be made legal if Pelosi gets her way. Ahhh you have to love socialism. The world gets crazier and crazier.

A woman was arrested in the murder and rape by a foreign objecy of little Sandra Cantu. We need to stop trampling on the alleged murderer's civil rights and give her a speedy, fair trial, fold her into a 95% waterproof trunk, and sink her in a pond or lake. Also arrested recently is a medical student charged with being the craigslist killer. Try him, and light him up. But these two have rights they didn't give their victims. Even if found guilty appeals will go on for years. Crazier and crazier.

Miss California is being villified for her deeply held religious belief that marriage should be between a man and woman. Perez Hilton ( the sickingly gay blogger ) called her an empty headed b_ _ _ _ who only had half a brain. Of course Hollywood agreed with him, even lil ole Miley Cyrus. Billy, you need to whip that young ladies butt, and then someone needs to whip yours. Well Miss California you just keep on being who you are. God knows, California could use the light.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Finally Made It

At first, according to the Obamessiah I was just a bitter man who was clinging to my guns and my religion. Now according to the new Socialist administration I am a right wing extremist/ terrorist. Not only the above but I met more than one criteria. First I am a bible believing Christian who thinks abortion is wrong. Secondly, I believe the constitution means what it says. I have the right to have guns, and I also have the right to criticize the government. See, the constitution says the government works for me and for you. The constitution also says in essence that we shouldn't fear the government. In fact, the government should fear the people. We have the constitutional right to fire them, but the sheeple have grown complacent and lazy. Let's let the government take care of us. Who cares if our children and grandchildren are mired in our debt? We should all care. America is in trouble. Serious trouble, so start getting ready now. Liberal, socialist senator Chuck (lets tax that) Schumer actually said people don't care about values anymore. I care Chuckie. I believe we will soon see how many people care. After all we finally made it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rapid Change

I have to apologize to my loyal reader for being away so long. lol. Things are really moving at an accelerated rate. Socialism is steadily becoming our style of government. The government now fires people from private business. Oh, and now instead of GM standing for General Motors it stands for Government Motors. Patriots, things are beginning to shape up. Battle lines are being drawn. Tea parties are springing up across the country, people are beginning to awaken. I pray they are at any rate. In Hardeman county Tennessee, which is near here, there is a joint exercise this weekend with local police and troops doing stops at checkpoints. It seems to me this is a direct violation of Posse Comitatus. recently a similar thing was planned in Iowa but was cancelled due to public outcry. I think these things are being attempted in an effort to get sheeple used to seeing troops carrying out civilian law enforcement duties so when it counts there is little opposition. I think I will check my inventory. May God help America.